Adobe illustrator is a sortware that helps you with illustating need. It is mostly used for art purposes and it could make art look a lot more beautiful.
Here are some projects and artworks that I have done in this quarter.
In this art piece, we learned how to use the curvature pen tool and make a shadow kind of background color. It's suppose to be elephant in the plains at dusk.
In this artwork, we were told to rotate this artwork using the transform tool when right clicking. We could then go to reflect and and get more copies of the same picture. Now, after all the reflecting, it looks like an illusion. It was a picture of a queen so I would like to call it,"the queen illusion."
This is my first project of the computers quarter. I made silluettes of video character called pokemon. I made 11 characters and the background is a pokeball which relates to my silluette.
For this peice of art, we learn more features and we practice on the feature that we already learned. We used the curature pen tool, which we already used, and the new found eye dropper tool, just to help us out on the color. The person in this picture is Will Smtih.
Our teacher told us that we need to make a silluette of a person so I made this. This a a silluette I made for a person called,"Joe Biden."
We were getting started on grid arts in adobe illustrator. This is the first on our teacher told us to make.
We did some more grid art and they look pretty cool. They are filled with color and passion.
Our teacher told us to do more practice of the grid art. The catch this time is that we do it on our own. I made 4 different patterns in the 4 different shapes. The first one is just a rectangle with different color. the second rectangle covered is colorful stripes. The third one is a hexagon with a lot of different colors and shapes. The last one is just a triangle with more color and shapes inside it,.
For this artwork, we need to make our name into 3 different types of LOGOS. These are my 3 LOGOS: A bubble with my name in the middle;It is also rotated. The second one is a circle with my First letter of my first and last name. The last but not least, The LOGO is my full name and the first letter of my last name. They are also rotated to make a spinning look.
This is the first 3d object that i made by myself in Adobe illustrator. It is a building with a helicopter pad on top of it.
We need to make a isometric city either in a group or by yourslef. I decided to work in a group with Owen, and Joel. I made this all by myself and it greatly improved my isometric art skills.
This is the city that my group made. I made the top part, which is the city. Owen made the lower part, which is an urban area with a lot of trees. Joel made the water, bridge, trees, and grasses in the middle of the map. He also helped us out when we don't know what to do. This city is a great peice of art and a well rounded isometric city.
Our teacher told us to make some artwork from a Adobe Illustater webite. I made a sword that looks pretty cool. It have light that comes from the top to the bottom in a diagonal way. The blade of the sword looks like a rainbow. The blade of the sword is chipped due to a long war ages ago.
This is my final work in Adobe Illustrator. It is also from the website. This artwork is a cute little cactus. It is normal cactus with spikes and cactus flower.